Detoxing, or cleansing, seems to be trending and you see programs or products everywhere. It can be overwhelming and confusing to sift through all the info, especially if you feel less than great, have chronic issues, and are asking yourself if you need to do a detox. So let’s break this down:
Cleanses can be organ/system specific such as a liver cleanse, or they can be more general as in a whole body cleanse. What tends to be consistent is that a cleanse must harness the body’s natural excretory process to finally remove whatever toxin or metabolic waste that we are trying to unload. Often though, a cleanse is too harsh or works too well for the body to keep up with it and so a toxic load is recycled into the blood stream making us feel worse than before.
That’s why my signature 14 Day Reset Cleanse is a very gentle whole body cleanse. It’s a whole food program designed to first remove the irritants, allergens and toxins you may be consuming that you might not even realize are causing your suffering, while flooding your body with high quality nutrition that actually supports your liver and your natural detoxification pathways. It’s not calorie restrictive and if you really tune into your body you will learn what foods are really causing you problems that you may want to eliminate or moderate in your regular diet.
Cost of the program is just $295* and comes with four 30 minute 1 on 1 coaching sessions to help keep you on track and pumped up, a written program and easy and adaptable meal plans. There are also a few optional supplements I recommend to really support a strong nutritional base for a healing body.
Sign up for my 14 Day Reset Cleanse and you will feel lighter, more vibrant and much more in tune with what your body really wants. It’s a great kick start to a more healthy and happy you.
*Price of the program does not include the optional supplements. Payment programs available.